Can God be trusted in the midst of suffering and hopelessness?

Recently, I spoke with a lady who has been suffering for over twenty years. I asked her if she believed God would heal her. Her voice became quite low as she said “I am sorry but I cannot right now”.

Have you lost hope that God will turn around your situation?

The author of Proverbs 3 exhorts us to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and not to lean on our own understanding. There is no doubt in my heart that God is trustworthy. We can trust him in the midst of suffering and hopelessness. We can trust him when our hearts are broken. We can trust him when we are grieving the loss of a loved one. We can trust him at all times and in all circumstances.

What is the basis for my confidence?

As an auditor, my work involved providing reliable and sufficient evidence. The Scriptures provide such evidence that God can be trusted. Let us consider three persons in the Bible who relied on God’s character and ability to fulfill his word.

Abraham - God fulfilled His promise and gave him a son in his old age. Though Abraham did take matters into his own hands at one point, resulting in the birth of Ishmael, in the end, he did not waver in believing the promise.

David – He experienced dangers, desertion and disappointments. Yet in Psalm 13 he declared his confidence in God’s unfailing love, despite his feelings of sadness and abandonment. He knew God was trustworthy.

Job – In the midst of devastation, Job declared “Though he slay me, yet will I trust him.” (Job 13:15 NKJV) Job knew that his waiting would not be in vain.

They all relied on God’s character and ability to fulfill his word.

Personally, I recall two situations where God demonstrated that he is trustworthy. On the day before I wrote the tax exam to obtain my accounting designation, the Holy Spirit said: “Trust me like you have never trusted me before.” On the day of the exam, I did not know how to answer any of the questions but based on his word, I trusted him. He granted me success. In 2016, I lost my job and the Holy Spirit said to me “there is absolutely no need to apply for any other jobs.” At first I questioned, but then I chose to rest and wait on him. He did not disappoint me.

I am confident of God’s trustworthiness.

Are you willing to trust God when you do not understand? He is trustworthy. He is unchanging. He can be trusted!

Father, please help me to know that You are trustworthy. I want to believe that you will hear my cry. It is sometimes difficult to believe that you care about me. Help my unbelief. I want to focus on who you are. In the name of Jesus I pray Amen.

Throughout this day: Read Proverbs 3:5-6 several times until your heart is captured by the truth.

Tags: Proverbs 3 Proverbs